Routine Medical Check Up
Reach us on:
Phone: +234809 888 4383, +234803-232-1977
Hours: Open 24 hours.
Check up: health is wealth
A generation ago, people used to see their doctor only when they were sick, or dying. Today, preventative health care is becoming commonplace as people become more educated and empowered about their own health. People are preemptively seeking medical advice on how to live a healthy lifestyle. They are looking to lower their risk of various conditions or diseases by maintaining a healthy diet, weight, and level of physical activity.
Doctors are also requesting that patients get regular check-ups to help stay on top of their health. They are highlighting the importance of prevention, as a means to reduce the number of patients requiring medical treatment or surgery.
Regular check-ups can help find potential health issues before they become a problem. When you see your doctor regularly, they are able to detect health conditions or diseases early. Early detection gives you the best chance for getting the right treatment quickly, avoiding any complications. By getting the correct health services, screenings, and treatment you are taking important steps toward living a longer, healthier life.
The benefits of regular check-ups include:
- Reduce your risk of getting sick
- Detect potentially life-threatening health conditions or diseases early
- Increase chances for treatment and cure
- Limit risk of complications by closely monitoring existing conditions
- Increase lifespan and improve health
- Reduce healthcare costs over time by avoiding costly medical services
- Form a good partnership with the doctor so treatment can be more efficient
- Get updated on new medical information or technologies that are available
What are the tests required for a general health check-up?
A basic set of investigations should include haemogram, fasting blood sugar, liver function test, kidney function test, lipid profile, uric acid, chest x-ray and ECG, stool routine and occult blood. More extensive testing can include a tread mill test (TMT), Hepatitis B test, TSH for thyroid, ultrasound abdomen. You can also get your blood group checked. Your eye check up would be worthwhile. Also discuss with the doctor regarding adult vaccinations
Need to talk to a CONSULTANT? Call +234809-888-4383, +234803-232-1977 or Click to book an Appointment.
13 Kontagora Close, Garki, Off Jos St, Municipal, Abuja.
+234809 888 4383, +234803-232-1977
Hours: Open 24 hours.